Cisco 3600 and Cisco 7200 emulator. You'll need an IOS image in order to properly use this package. At this time, the emulator is able to boot a large number of Cisco IOS releases available for the 7200 and 3600 platforms, including the latest 12.2S and 12.4T. The following devices are emulated in the current release (0.2.5): - MIPS64 CPU processor. The instruction set is not completely emulated now (FPU support is lacking, TLB support is not finished and other minor things), but it is sufficient for IOS ; - DRAM and Packet SRAM memory ; - Non-Volatile Memory (NVRAM) ; - Signetics SCN 2681 DUART (C7200 Console and AUX ports) ; - National Semiconductors NS16552 DUART (C3600 Console and AUX ports) ; - Dallas DS1620 Temperature Sensors and Voltage Sensors, allowing the C7200 Environmental Monitor to work properly ; - NMC93C46 Serial EEPROM ; - Bootflash of 8 Mb (Intel 28F016SA) ; - Galileo GT64010/GT64120 PCI controller, DEC 21x50 PCI bridges and so ; - PCMCIA ATA disk emulation (C7200 only at this time).
Binary packages can be installed with the high-level tool pkgin (which can be installed with pkg_add) or pkg_add(1) (installed by default). The NetBSD packages collection is also designed to permit easy installation from source.
The pkg_admin audit command locates any installed package which has been mentioned in security advisories as having vulnerabilities.
Please note the vulnerabilities database might not be fully accurate, and not every bug is exploitable with every configuration.
Problem reports, updates or suggestions for this package should be reported with send-pr.